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Remote Control Robots & More with Android

This is really cool & opens up a world of options.  I'm in the planning/mockup stages of my own Android Controlled Vehicle.  I will be using a HTC Droid Eris & a RC Helicopter ( actually classified as a U.A.V ).  My plan involvels dissasembling the Droid Eris and mounting the various parts including the battery so that they add as little weight as possible since i want it to fly, plus mount the camera lens on the nose of the RC so I can attempt to pilot the craft using the Live Video Feed + GPS & other Sensor's information to keep it on course & attempt a landing that doesn't result in catastrophe .  Check these guys out though , they have done a lot of the leg work for me. After the break.
We used an iRobot Create, a Nexus One (with car dock), a Nexus S, and a Chrome OS Cr-48 notebook but only a single phone is required.
The app also works with LEGO MINDSTORMS, VEX Pro, and the custom Arduino cellbots and is available free in the Android Market for any Android 2.2 (Froyo) and up phone. After watching the video, download the app from the Market, or read more about how it works here, and of course download the source code if you want to modify it with more features and robot platforms.


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